Human immuno deficiency virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) are worldwide pandemics that affect people, households, and economies all over the world. There is a wealth of evidence showing that HIV/AIDS discordant couples use Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) to reduce the risk of subsequent exposure and infection. Research has focused on Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAP) as a crucial component of PrEP management in discordant couples. The specific objectives of this study were to: (i) examine awareness levels of serodiscordant couples towards the use of PrEP in HIV/AIDS prevention and transmission (ii) explore attitudes and perceptions held by these serodiscordant couples towards acceptance and adoption of PrEP as an HIV/AIDS prevention method and (iii) describe practices employed by serodiscordant couples in the study area in mitigating HIV/AIDS transmission to the non-infected partner in a sexual relationship. The study was guided by Health Belief Model theory. The study adopted mixed method research design and focused on serodiscordant couples in Kitui west Sub- county with a target population of 28 individuals, out of which, 28 participated in the study. Data was analyzed using Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS) version 20 to generate descriptive statistics, presented in tables, charts and graphs. Data obtained from Key informants was analyzed thematically and presented in form of narratives that were used to provide answers to the studies research questions. The study findings indicate a moderate PrEP awareness level among the target population in addition to erroneous knowledge which instead of aiding PrEP implementation and administration is used to create myths and conspiracy theories against the drug. Secondly, the therapy is cumbersome- the requirement for regular testing and refilling creates drug fatigue and the fear of PrEP initiated toxicity is real among the study populations. In conclusion, PrEP implementation in Kitui west Sub County has not been fully adopted by the eligible clients and the findings of this study confirm that there is need for concerted effort including involvement of Public Private Partnership to achieve successful PrEP program. The study recommends that for the future of PrEP administration and implementation within Kitui county; (i) there is need for urgent correction of the prevailing erroneous information among the study population by adopting a PrEP promotion strategy which targets provision of correct, free and easy to understand information to debunk the prevailing myths and theories; (iii) PrEP content should be translated and presented in local Kikamba language; (iv) PrEP should be available in all health centers without branding some centers as HIV- centers where one can access PrEP.