Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have become popular in the field of information and
communications technology, they are increasingly being used in applications such as
surveillance systems, patient monitoring, object tracking, forest fire detection and habitat
monitoring among others. By its very nature, a WSN provides a resource constrained
environment where devices used are limited in resource usage. Due to these limitations,
security challenges have emerged in their applications. Hence, the need for
computationally efficient but still secure cryptosystems. Traditional cryptographic
primitives cannot be directly applied on WSNs due to their resource constrained nature,
this has led to the challenge of achieving cryptographic security goals which are important
for effective communication of information on WSNs. Recent studies have shown that it
is possible to apply public key cryptography such as ECC to resource constrained devices
by using the right selection of algorithms and associated parameters, optimization and low
power concepts. To address security challenges on WSNs, this thesis proposed an efficient
digital signature scheme, a variant of ECDSA that can be applied on WSNs to provide
authentication. Further, the variant of ECDSA was used in the design of a signcryption
schemes. The signcryption schemes are intended to be efficient enough for use on WSNs
and for that reason the research work focused on certificateless cryptography (CLC) for
the design of the signcryption scheme with a property of ciphertext authenticity. The
research methodology employed was experimental. Major contributions of this research
were an efficient variant of ECDSA more efficient in the signing and verification process
that does not suffer from the security challenges inherent in the original ECDSA. Out of
the proposed digital signature scheme a certificateless pairing free authentication scheme
for wireless body area network in healthcare management system and a multi-user
broadcast authentication scheme for WSNs were constructed. Three certificateless
signcryption schemes were designed, two signcryption schemes were designed from the
proposed ECDSA variant and one signcryption was a modification of a scheme by Wei
and Ma (2019). A formal security proof for indistinguishability against adaptive chosen
ciphertext attack and existential unforgeability against adaptive chosen message attack
was provided for the three signcryption schemes in the random oracle model. The
signcryption schemes were more efficient with respect to computational cost,
communication overhead and energy consumption comparison with other existing related