Education plays a critical role in the development and transformation of nations
throughout the world. The goal of this research was to establish the influence of
principals’ administrative practices on students’ academic performance in public
secondary schools in Yatta sub-county of Machakos County, Kenya. In this regard, the
study set out to: determine the influence of capacity building of teachers on students’
academic performance in public secondary schools; establish the influence of providing
learning resources on students' academic performance in public secondary schools;
establish the influence of instructional supervision on students' academic performance in
public secondary schools; and determine the influence of goal setting on students'
academic performance in public secondary schools. The instructional leadership theory
served as the theoretical framework for this research. Descriptive research design was
used in this study. The focus of the study was on students’ academic performance in
KCSE in Yatta Sub-County of Machakos County, which had 58 principals and 750
teachers. A total of 19 principals and 228 teachers were included in the study sample. The
sample was selected using both systematic and random sampling methods. Data was
collected from the sampled principals and teachers by administering questionnaires. The
data collected was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The
results showed a lot of consistency between principals' and teachers' opinions on the four
areas under study. Both principals and teachers held true the fact that principals’
administrative practices greatly influenced students’ academic performance. On further
probing, some teachers expressed concern on the level of commitment by some principals
to support the same. Principals' failure to adequately provide resources and implement
capacity building programs was cited as some of the reasons for the prevailing dismal
student achievement in KCSE. Principals’ administrative practices were found to have a
positive significant correlation with students' academic performance. Similarly, teachers’
responses yielded a significant positive correlation with principals' responses on
provision of learning resources and students' academic performance. It was also revealed
that the principal's level of instructional supervision had a discernible effect on students'
academic achievement. Finally, it was determined that if principals stopped setting
academic goals for their students, learners’ performance in the classroom would suffer
greatly. The results established that there was need to enhance students’ academic
performance in public schools in Yatta Sub- County which was below the national mean.
Some suggestions provided were adequate capacity building programmes for the
teachers, provision of learning materials, improved instructional supervision and goal
setting strategies. On the basis of the research findings, it was concluded that principals’
administrative practices positively influenced students’ academic performance in Yatta
Sub-County. It was proposed that the ministry of Education should formulate and
implement a strategy to step up teacher capacity building programmes; and that learning
resources are provided in a timely manner. To further improve students’ performance, it
was proposed that principals in public secondary schools should design effective
instructional supervision strategies and that they should involve all teachers and students
in setting of performance goals in order to ensure ownership of such goals by the three