Digital Literacy is one competence among the seven competencies to be developed in the 21st
centurylearner.Despitethisfact,manyeducatorshavefailedintraininglearnerstoacquireDigital Literacy through
integration of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in curriculum
implementation.ThepurposeofthisstudywastodeterminetheinfluenceofintegrationofICTin curriculum
implementation in public secondary schools in Makueni County, Kenya.
Theobjectiveofthestudywasto“establishtheextenttowhichinfrastructuralsupportinfluences integration of ICT in
curriculum implementation in public secondary schools in MakueniCounty. The study used descriptive survey
research design. The targetpopulationwas52secondaryschoolprincipals,700teachersandonesubcountydirectorof education. Data was collected using questionnaires and interview schedules. The sample size
was 16 principals from 16 schools, 25 teachers from secondary sub county schools and 45 teachers from
secondary county schools. Teachers’ sample was obtained by stratified sampling, coupled with proportionate
random sampling to get the number of the teachers in each stratum of Sub County and county schools required
for the study. The data collected was analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative data analysis approaches
whereby both descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Descriptive statistics used in this study included
percentages and mean. The
inferentialstatisticsusedwasPearsonproductcorrelationcoefficientmoment.Thequalitativedata was presented in
the form of narrative and integrated within the quantitative data in graphs and frequency tables. The study
established that well developed ICT infrastructure positively influences ICT integration in implementation of
curriculum as majority of respondents (57.5%) indicated well established infrastructure influences ICT
integration to a great extent and 20% to some extent. This brought out the glaring truth that principals who do
not employ ICTexpertintheirschoolslimittheextenttowhichtechnicalsupportisofferedtotheentireschool fraternity
in ICT integration in curriculum implementation.