The pattern of family structure has changed drastically, all over the world. Increasing numbers and proportions of children born outside marriage and the rise in divorce rate have contributed to increased proportions of children growing up in single mother - families; hence the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of single motherhood on moral development of children in Kalundu Zone schools, Kitui County. Three research objectives were formulated to guide the study. These were; to discuss single motherhood and moral development, to find out whether there is a statistically significant gender difference in the morality of children from single motherhood family and lastly to establish the effects of single mother hood families on moral development of primary school children. The theory used in the study was Kohlberg theory of moral reasoning. The study employ ed a descriptive survey design which is used in preliminary and exploratory studies to allow researchers to gather information, summarize, present and interpret for the purpose of clarification. The target population include d 100 teachers, 200 parents, and 300 pupils in Kalundu Zone schools. The sample size for the study was selected using purposive sampling for pupils and simple random sampling to select teachers and parents. The study use d questionnaires as tools for data collection and the instrument w as piloted in the schools which were not to be included in the stud y. The findings of the study will be of practical value to early childhood teachers and care givers in helping to provide proper moral attributes which enhance moral development of children from single parent families. The findings of the study will also help the Ministry of education and the school administration with new ideas and knowledge especially on the steps which would be taken towards provision of the requirements for moral development of children from single mother hood families. The reliability of the instrument s were proved through test - re - test method while the raw data summarized was coded, analyzed and synthesized to as certain accuracy and competence. The study established that there was a very strong positive correlation r (1, 29) = 0.8241, P < 0.05, between single motherhood and children’s moral development, there was a significant association (χ 2 (1, 4) = 45.231, p< 0.05) between gender morality and family type (single parents and both parents) and there is a very strong positive correlation r (1, 29) = 0.78, P < 0.05, between effect of single motherhood and children’s moral development. The recommendations of the study were; The schools should organize frequent guidance an d counselling sessions for the single parents in their schools, the government should give more bursaries to children from single motherhood families to encourage them to continue with their studies and single mothers should be considered for government positions and promotions to assist them in raising their economic status.