There are social, political, economical, cultural and technological changes that affect the proper teaching of Home Science. The study aimed at unearthing the constraints that the Home Science tutors encountered in training Primary Home Science teachers. To be able to do this, the curriculum, methodology, tutors’ qualifications, teaching resources and facilities that were being used in teaching Home Science in Teachers Training College (TTC) were investigated. The four selected public primary TTCs selected for the study were Murang'a, Thogoto, Kamwenja and Kilimambogo. A survey research design was applied using three instruments of data collection, namely interview guide, classroom observation schedule and Home Science tutors’ questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative methods. The results of the study revealed that the major constraints that the Home Science tutors were facing include: inadequate teaching resources, limited time allocated for teaching Home Science, wide curriculum (scope) and large classes. From results and discussion of the study it was concluded that students enrolled in colleges lack sound Home Science background which hinders effective training as primary Home Science teachers. In addition, tutors teaching Home Science in colleges are qualified academically and professionally but are trained to teach in secondary schools and not in teacher training colleges. Tutors are also not given induction courses upon joining college and are not in-serviced in methodology of teaching of Home Science to teacher trainees. It was recommended that the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) should review the Primary and TTC Home Science syllabus. This will ensure that there is a correlation between the two syllabi so that the trainees are adequately prepared to teach all that is contained in the primary syllabus. Moreover, the allocation of three periods of thirty-five minutes per week is inadequate to cover the TTC Home Science syllabus. The research further recommends four periods per week; two single periods and one double period.