Since its discovery, 30 years ago, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), the
etiological cause of AIDS, has killed more than 25 million people and a further 40 million are
living with the disease. The HIV-1 Envelope protein (Env) facilitates HIV-1 entry into
susceptible target cells by fusion at the cell membrane upon binding to the CD4 receptor and to
one of two coreceptors, CCR5 or CXCR4. In vivo main target cells for HIV are CD4+ T cells,
macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs). In this doctoral research, we focused on entry and
transmission of primary HIV strains in primary target cells for HIV in vivo.
In the first part of this work we present an in-house recombinant viral assay (RVA) to
assess viral coreceptor usage and its validation using a wide panel of primary strains of various
subtypes. With the advent of entry inhibitors and particularly Maraviroc, a CCR5-binding
molecule, assessing viral co-receptor usage has become a necessity to predict drug efficacy and to
avoid the emergence of CXCR4-using strains which are more cytopathic and associated with
disease progression. Co-receptor usage may be determined genotypically from the sequence of
the Env V3-loop or phenotypically by infecting indicator cell lines expressing CD4 and one of
the two coreceptors, CCR5 or CXCR4 with recombinant or pseudotyped viruses containing
portions of the Env accounting for tropism. We compared tropism measured phenotypically using
our in-house RVA to the most widely used genotypic prediction tools, Geno2Pheno[coreceptor] and
webPSSM. In this study we included all the major HIV-1 subtypes and to our knowledge it has
the widest range of HIV-1 subtypes and circulating recombinant forms (CRFs) in a single study.
Discordances were observed for non-B subtypes. Experiments using CCR5 or CXCR4
antagonists confirmed the specificity of the RVA and indicated that genotypic prediction tools
overestimated CXCR4 usage for CRF01_AE and CRF02_AG. Applying other rules described by
others for these CRFs improved concordance, indicating that further subtype-specific tuning
would improve their performance.
The second part of this work addresses the impact of polymorphisms in the cytoplasmic
tail of Env (gp41 CT) on infection of CD4+ T cells and primary monocyte-derived-macrophages
(MDMs). The gp41-CT is involved in Env incorporation into virions and contains intracellular
trafficking motifs that mediate its extensive cycling through the endocytic compartment. Gp41-
CT truncations impair propagative infection in some cell types (non-permissive cells) including
primary CD4+ T cells and macrophages. We used a comparative approach based on NL4-3/Envand NL4-3/Env ectodomain recombinant virus pairs: in this system, either full patient-derived
Envs or isogenic patient-derived Env ectodomains are cloned in an otherwise constant NL4-3-
derived backbone by homologous recombination. Subtype B and C Envs were compared.
Subtype C gp41-CT impaired viral replication compared to the NL4-3 gp41-CT in CD4+ T cells
(10/13 cases) but not in MDMs. For other subtypes, isogenic viruses replicated similarly in both
cell types. Addition of extracellular deoxynucleosides to MDMs did not impact viral replication.
Sequence analysis revealed that most domains involved in Env intracellular trafficking were
conserved. Whereas subtype B gp41-CTs were less polymorphic, subtype C was comparatively
highly polymorphic and dileucine (LL) motifs were often disrupted. Restoring the C-terminal LL
motif restored viral replication in CD4+ T cells, suggesting it plays a role on the level of Env
incorporated, as this motif is involved in Env internalization and cycling.