This chapter presents the results of a study on the influence of streamflow variability on salinity, total dissolved solids (TDS) and conductivity in a semi-arid Tiva River Basin in Kenya. Measurements of salinity, TDS, conductivity and river discharges were undertaken in sampling stations by applying standard hydrologic methods. The study shows that there is a significant relationship between the variability of streamflow and the variability of salinity, conductivity and TDS in the river. The high salt concentrations were a result of high evapotranspiration and seepage of subterranean water from bank storage and groundwater aquifers. Inter-sub-basin variations in the levels of salinity were attributed to differences in land uses, lengths and sizes of the sub-basins. Sustainable irrigation and land use practices in the semi arid Tiva River Basin requires construction of water reservoirs for control of salinity levels in the river.