Two hundred and seventy nine specimens of Oreochromis niloticus from Kerita and Kesses dam were examined for Clinostomum parasites. Four hundred and thirty eight parasites were found on the two hundred and seventy nine fish specimens. This was done between December 20R0 and February 2011. The gut of Oreochromis niloticus were opened and checked for Clinostomum parasites, the number of the parasites found were recorded. The sex, total length and weight of fish were also recorded. The parasites were mostly found attached to tissue behind the buccal cavity; this was associated to presence of adequate air supply (Coulibay, 1995). This made it more probable that the Clinostomum parasite in this study was Clinostomum tilapiae. The site of attachment on the fish tissue showed a cyst, the metacercariae is suspected to make this cyct as a form of protective mechanism to wall off and prevent displacement. The cyst was also concluded to have been produced by the fish as a defense mechanism to prevent further damage of tissue by the parasite Kesses and Kerita dam had a parasitic prevalence of 75.71% 59.14% respectively; this difference was associated with the different human activities existing between the two dams, causing water quality differences. In both dams, Male fish showed high intensity than female fish, this was associated with the breeding habits of O.niloticus which has the male fish spending long time in the shallow waters