Timber is one of the construction materials which when properly used, can have positive impact to both human beings and the entire ecosystem. This study therefore examines the performance, challenges and prospects of timber as a material for use in construction works. The study also highlights the sustainability benefits that are attached to the use of timber in the building system; the different types of timber used in construction; the properties of timber and the various applications of timber. From this study, it was noted that timber can be used for all types of structures if certain precautions can be observed. Some of the issues that lead to poor performance of timber in construction are; poor seasoning of wood; untreated and non-preserved wood; poor coating and technology which if can be done correctly can see timber being used for a long time. The other issues range from approval from the necessary government regulatory agencies and acceptability. Contemporary construction of tall buildings from timber, in whole or in part, suggests a growing interest in the potential for building with wood at a scale not previously seen before. As wood is the only significant building material that is grown, we have a natural inclination that building in wood is good for the environment. Building with wood does not pollute the environment. The environmental benefits of using timber are straightforward and enormous.