Investors are increasingly scrutinizing corporate sustainability efforts, both in terms of overall practices and shareholder disclosure. Companies that want to satisfy existing investors and attract new ones to create demand can often do so by acting in a more sustainable manner. Doing so not only placates investors, but it also helps improve performance. For companies with existing shareholders, they should be prepared for a growing movement to increase sustainability reporting and adopt more environmentally friendly practices. Gradually, issues of how companies impact the society they operate in- the environment, overall Environmental Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) structures- have increasingly become key for investors as they decide which companies to invest in. As much as f inancial performance is still very important, investors are turning to ESG frameworks that indicate long-term sustainability of businesses. The Covid-19 pandemic has posed a real stress test to sustainability of businesses and the robustness of their operations. For companies to create long-term value that will sustain them during and after Covid-19, their boards must empower management and investor base to bridge the information gaps around ESG and integrated reporting. This paper discusses how f irms in Africa can use sustainability f inancial reporting to attract more investors during and after Covid-19.