This study reports simulation of cumulative biogas production data from thermophilic digester loaded with mixed fruit
and vegetable wastes co-digested with slaughterhouse wastes at 55 ℃ and 6.8 -7.2 operation temperature and pH
respectively. The experimental data was fitted to the linear, exponential, Gaussian, logistic and modified Gompertz
kinetic models.
The results obtained showed that biogas generation rate was slow at the lag phase with exponential increment
thereafter. The maximum generated biogas was 33100 mL on day 25 with the yield showing a decrease henceforth. The
ascending limb data modeling fitted best in the modified Gompertz model with regression values of 0.998 compared to
the 0.8909, 0.9025, 0.9899 and 0.9860 for linear, exponential, Gaussian and logistic models respectively.