Introduction South Eastern University College (SEUCO), a Constituent College of the University of Nairobi, intends to implement a water harvesting and utilization project at its main campus situated in Lower Yatta in Kitui County. The project would involve the construction of a sand dam, rock catchment, fish ponds and associated water conveyance structures. The sand dam and rock catchment will provide water to fish ponds, greenhouses and tree nurseries at the university college. Once completed, all these facilities will assist in alleviating the current water shortage at the university college and at the same time enable the university college carry out research on how water harvesting technologies. The project would also function as a demonstration project of the university college aimed at disseminating information on the use of water harvesting for the promotion of fish farming, horticulture and agroforestry. The Environmental Impact Assessment report for the proposed facilities has been prepared in accordance with the Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act (EMCA, 1999) and environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations (2000). The aim of carrying out the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was to ensure that the proposed projects at the university college do not negatively impact on the environment. Anticipated Potential Environmental Impacts The activities to be carried out are bound to have both positive and negative environmental impacts. The potential impacts of the proposed project have been categorized into two: (1) Impacts on the natural environment and (2) Impacts on the human environment. Impacts on the natural environment include those on land, air and water, while the human impacts are largely social and economic in nature. Further classification of the impacts have been done based on the project life cycle i.e. impacts during construction, operation and decommissioning stages of the project. The identified potential positive impacts of the project include provision of employment opportunities, increased business opportunities, increased water supply to the university, demonstration of income-generation activities to the local community, increased baseflow during dry seasons, creation of micro-climate, reduced land degradation, economic growth and poverty alleviation. The identified potential negative impacts during construction of sand dams, rock catchment, and fish ponds include dust generation, soil erosion, increased surface runoff, risks of accidents and injuries to workers, clearance of natural vegetation and modification of streamflow. The clearing of natural vegetation will temporarily decrease the biological diversity around the sites earmarked for fish ponds and agroforestry/tree plantation. The potential negative impacts during operation phase of the project include risk of accidents and injuries to both people and livestock. There will therefore be a need for proper management of the project sites during the operational phase of the project. During the decommissioning phase, the major impacts will be dust generation, noise pollution, risks of accidents and injuries. Mitigation of Significant Environmental Impacts In order to ensure sustainability of the project, several mitigation measures have been suggested. The mitigation measures will include minimization of the disturbance to the surrounding natural habitat. Suggested mitigation measures during construction phase include sprinkling of the ground with water to minimize dust, proper servicing and turning of the machinery to reduce noise and vibrations; and the provision of construction workers with the necessary protective gear to ward off risks of accidents and injuries. Thereafter the project would introduce an agroforestry system that will involve planting of both exotic and indigenous trees in the already degraded sites. Also, project would carry out landscaping of the sites of sand dams, rock catchment and fish ponds in order to create balanced environment. There will be environmentally sound disposal of waste water from the fish ponds through conveyance of the water from fish ponds to the greenhouses and tree plantations. Solid waste would be disposed off in an incinerator that would be constructed at the project site. Also, a system for continuous monitoring of the project activities will be put in place throughout its life cycle. The implementation of the suggested mitigation measures will ensure that the significant impacts of the project activities are controlled to a large extent possible. Environmental Management Plan A comprehensive environmental management plan has been prepared to assist the proponent and contractor address the identified adverse environmental impacts of the project. Strict adherence to the environmental management plan provided is recommended to ensure environmental sustainability of the project. Conclusions and recommendations The proposed project involving the construction of a sand dam, rock catchment, water conveyance structures, fish ponds and agroforestry at the main campus of the South Eastern University College (SEUCO) will have both positive and negative impacts as outlined in this report. However, the EIA has established that the negative environmental impacts of the project can be mitigated through implementation of measures that are outlined in the Environmental Management Plan (EMP). It is recommended that the proponent of the project fully complies with all statutory and regulatory requirements of such projects. Considering the many benefits of the project, at local and national level, it is also recommended that the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) does approve the EIA Project Report and grant the environmental impact assessment licence for it to continue.