Dryland Farming Economies in Kenya

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dc.contributor.author Nyariki, Dickson M.
dc.contributor.author Kironchi, G.
dc.date.accessioned 2015-01-21T07:12:17Z
dc.date.available 2015-01-21T07:12:17Z
dc.date.issued 2003
dc.identifier.citation Kenya's Agricultural Sub-sectors: Policy Challenges and Opportunities, pp.32 - 52. en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://books.google.co.ke/books/about/Kenya_s_Agricultural_Sub_sectors.html?id=tHK6AAAAIAAJ&redir_esc=y
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/668
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Centre for Governance and Development (CGD) en_US
dc.title Dryland Farming Economies in Kenya en_US
dc.type Book chapter en_US

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