dc.description.abstract |
The Lemudong’o Formation in the Narok District of Kenya comprises a 135-m-
thick series of
predominantly lacustrine and lake basin margin sedimentary rocks with in
terstratified primary and
reworked tuffs. The formation, deposited
6 Ma, records deposition within the second of three
sequential lake basins created by tectonic and volcanic activity on the we
stern margin of the
southern Rift Valley of Kenya. These sedimentary paleobasins are exposed
in the vicinity of the
confluence of three rivers cutting steep cliffs into rugged, vegetated te
rrain. Over 1200 fossils of
terrestrial vertebrates have been recovered from the site of Lemudong’o L
ocality 1 (LEM 1), which
was formed at the edge of a shallow lake fed by slow-moving streams. Much lik
e smaller Rift
Valley lake basins in Kenya today, the Lemudong’o lake margin probably sup
ported a mosaic of
habitats ranging from closed riparian woodland to grassland and swamps.
There are two fossiliferous horizons at LEM 1, clayey sands and gravels and
mudstones. Although the mudstones yielded the majority of the fossil mate
rial, there are significant
faunal differences between the two horizons. The mudstone assemblage con
sists of taxa whose
modern representatives primarily prefer relatively closed environment
s such as riparian forests, as
well as many species that prefer open woodland to wooded grasslands. The sa
ndstone assemblage
samples fauna from a wider range of habitats. This contrast in taxonomic co
mposition suggests
that the mudstone and sandstone horizons sample a lakeshore environment t
hat was varying
through time. The apparent shift in habitat preferences of the fauna is con
sistent with the
geological and geomorphological evidence for a mosaic of closed to open ha
bitats that characterize
rapidly variable rift-valley lake basins in mesic climatic regimes.
One of the salient characteristics of these assemblages is the complete ab
sence of fish, and the
paucity of large mammals and reptiles, such as hippos, crocodiles, and lar
ger bovid species that
would be expected at the edge of lake basins fed by large rivers. Modern cent
ral rift-valley lake
basins that are fed by small streams vary widely in size and salinity in resp
onse to climate change,
and occasionally dry out completely. They do not contain fish and crocodil
es, and only one has
a substantial hippo population. These modern rift-valley lakes may there
fore provide an analog to
the depositional environment of Lemudong’o.
The LEM 1 fossil assemblage is also unusual because it is dominated by small
mammalian taxa,
including numerous rodents, small colobine monkeys, hyracoids, and a div
ersity of viverrid and
other carnivores. Given the lack of evidence for fluvial transport in the m
ain fossil horizon, the
biased size composition, and the significant carnivore damage on the bone
s, we interpret this site to
represent an accumulation of carcasses by several avian and small mammali
an carnivores. This
paleoecological and paleogeographic reconstruction is discussed relat
ive to penecontemporaneous
fossil sites in Africa. |
en_US |