Development of Ecological Sanitation (EcoSan) technology has
greatly improved the problems and costs related to water
consumption, management of water resources, environmental and
pollution, outbreaks and control of waterborne diseases, conversion
of human waste into humanure. However, the economic and
environmental importance of Urine Diversion Toilet (UDT) which
is an Ecosan has not been well understood by the rural
communities in Kenya. The improved design of current EcoSan
toilet is aimed at making it acceptable among the kenyan
communities. An ash dispensing unit that is operated as a water
cistern has been designed to eliminate direct handling of ash in
ECOSAN toilets. Also an opening and closing mechanism of toilet
defesification opening attached to the pan has been designed to
eliminate exposer of human feaces. These designs makes it easy to
use Ecosan system and is more hygienic. This makes it acceptable
to most Kenyan communities that have negative cultural believes
and is expected to improve the uptake of these toilets.. It is
recommended that the communities adopt the modified system and
the government and non-governmental institutions take their role
in sensitizing the communities of the technology.