Game debarking has been a major hindrance to high quality timber production. Debarked parts not only
provide entry
points to the destructive
Oemeda gaani
but also adversely affect the tree growth. Though fruits and leaves of
family form the most preferred diet for monkeys, other families act as fallback resource when the top diet is
scarce. In a
study carried out in the Mt Kenya ecosystem, it is likely that
C. lusitanica
is one the fallback resource.
These monkeys were found to prefer the barks of this species. Prevalence of debarking and its associated effects pose
a threat to major plantations i
n the Mt Kenya ecosystem. Surveys were undertaken in 2008 at Mt Kenya Ecosystem to
evaluate the prevalence and cause of monkey debarking across the age cohorts of
C. lusitanica
. The study, that was
confined between 1998
2100, 9968000
9996000 and 0287000
98000 (altitude, longitude and latitude respectively),
covered Nanyuki, Naromoru, Gathiuru and Kabaru forest ecosystems. Three age cohorts, 5
10, 11
20, and >20years
were selected and presence/absence of debarking, height of debarking and part of the tree
trunk debarked were
assessed. Total enumeration/sampling was done on 0.04ha and 0.02ha for age cohorts 11
20, >20 and 5
10 years
respectively. Laboratory analysis of the tree barks was also done to determine nutritive composition. Though
debarking prevalen
ce was present in all sites, Nanyuki forest was the most statistically significant site (P<0.05). Test
of homogeneity of variance showed that among the three age cohorts tested for debarking, >20 years was the most
statistically significant age class (P<0.
05). Duncan Multiple Range Test also showed that the most preferred part of
the trunk was the upper portion compared to the lower, middle and top. The debarked parts of the stem showed a
strong positive Pearson correlation (n = 4, r
= 0.876, p = 0.05) wit
h the height of debarking. Though study sites
correlated positively with presence/absence of debarking and part of the trunk debarked, they had weak correlation
(0.129 and 0.101 respectively). Lack of the most preferred
family in the Mt Kenya ecos
ystem was found to
cause a shift in the diet base for the monkeys. Based on the findings of this study, it is likely that
C. lusitanica
is one
among the fallback resource for the monkeys. Mass exodus of not only monkeys but also majority of the wild animal
in the Mt Kenya ecosystem in the early 2000(s) from the higher to lower regions of the mountain has also contributed
to this.
C. lusitanica
form 80% of exotic plantations in the sampled area while all the exotic species form around 95%.
The indigenous sp
ecies forms at least 5% and are mainly restricted to water catchment areas. This low percentage of
indigenous species coupled with mass exodus of wild game to the lower regions has exerted pressure on the monkey
diet base. There is need to plant
amily and other fallback resource around
C. lusitanica
plantations to act
as buffer zones. Restriction of movement of wild animals into the plantations like the case of the Abardere ecosystem
is required. There is need to carry out further survey to establ
ish the causes of mass exodus of wild animals from the
higher to the lower regions of the mountain. Also, it is worth to carry out a socio
economic survey to determine the
economic and social losses that accrue from monkey debarking and other game damage.