Aim: To identify types of herbal medicine used for HIV conditions in Vihiga county, Kenya . Study Design : Qualitative ethno botanical survey. Place and Duration of Study: Hamuyundi sub - location, west Sabatia location, Sabatia Sub County, Vihiga County – Kenya. The study was carried out in December 2014. Methodology: Information was obtained by interviewing Community health workers (CHW), as key informants using an interview schedule. Hamuyundi community was selected on basis of having the highest number of long serving CHW. All the 11 CHW were interviewed. Results: Thirty six plant species belonging to 26 families were identified as medicine. The plant species with most consensus for specific conditions were Cassia occidentalis L. for malaria/fever at 36% and Justicia betonica (L.) for gastrointestinal conditions at 36%. Most plant species belonged to Solanaceae , Labiateae and Rubiaceae . The most mentioned condition s for which plant medicines were used were gastrointestinal and skin problems. Conclusion: The majority of plants used by Hamuyundi community as medicine are supported by literature as used elsewhere or contain bioactive compounds. The low consensus on pla nts used as medicine for specific conditions shows the dynamic state of plant medicine application in HIV conditions. The use of leaves as plant parts for medicine preparation shows the preservation strategy of plant resources. The gastrointestinal and ski n problems treated by majority of plant medicines are common HIV associated diseases.