Lynch, Abigail J.; Cooke, Steven J.; Arthington, Angela H.; Baigun, Claudio; Bossenbroek, Lisa; Dickens, Chris; Harrison, Ian; Kimirei, Ismael; Langhans, Simone D.; Murchie, Karen J.; Olden, Julian D.; Ormerod, Steve J.; Owuor, Margaret A.; Raghavan, Rajeev; Samways, Michael J.; Schinegger, Rafaela; Sharma, Subodh; Tachamo-Shah, Ram-Devi; Tickner, David; Tweddle, Denis; Young, Nathan; Jähnig, Sonja C.
(Wiley Periodicals LLC., 2023-02-08)
Freshwater biodiversity, from fish to frogs and microbes to macrophytes, provides a vast array of services to people. Mounting concerns focus on the accelerating pace of biodiversity loss and declining ecological function ...