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Speeches: Recent submissions
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The speech of the best student during the 2nd graduation ceremony of South Eastern Kenya University held at the University’s graduation square, on Friday 10th April 2015
South Eastern Kenya University
The speech delivered by the Chairman of the Council of South Eastern Kenya University, Prof. Louis Mumera, during the 2nd graduation ceremony held on 10th April 2015 at SEKU main campus, Kitui
South Eastern Kenya University
The speech of the Vice-Chancellor during the 2nd graduation ceremony of South Eastern Kenya University held at the University’s graduation square, on Friday 10th April 2015
South Eastern Kenya University
Vice-Chancellor’s matriculation speech for first years held on 9th January 2015 at SEKU main campus
South Eastern Kenya University
The speech of the Vice-Chancellor on the occasion of the award of the ISO 9001:2008 certificate to the South Eastern Kenya University on 29th January 2015
South Eastern Kenya University
The speech of the Vice-Chancellor of South Eastern Kenya University, Prof. Geoffrey Muluvi, during the first graduation ceremony held on 23rd May 2014 at Kitui Main Campus
South Eastern Kenya University
The speech of the Chief Guest Principal Secretary State Department of Education, (Dr. Belio Kipsang) on the occasion of the celebration of ISO 9001:2008 certification on 29th January, 2015
South Eastern Kenya University
The speech delivered by the Chairman of the Council of South Eastern Kenya University, Prof. Louis Mumera, during the 1st graduation ceremony held on 23rd May 2014 at the Main Campus, Kitui
South Eastern Kenya University
Speech by the Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Education, Science and Technology: Prof. Jacob T. Kaimenyi, PhD, FICD, EBS, during the first graduation ceremony of South Eastern Kenya University (SEKU) held on 23rd May, 2014 at the University graduation pavillion
South Eastern Kenya University
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