Thirteen provenances (11 exotics and 2 Kenyan) of 6 Eucalyptus species (E. camaldulensis, E. dunnii, E. globulus, E. grandis, E. paniculata, E. saligna) were evaluated in a field trial at Timbilil estate, Kericho, Kenya (2178 m altitude). Except for E. camaldulensis, all the species recorded over 50% survival. Plant height was significantly different between the species and provenances, with E. grandis and E. saligna having superior height growth. Breast height diameter (DBR) was also significantly different between the species and provenances, with the Emu creek, Retford provenance of E. camaldulensis and the South-West Nowra provenance of E. paniculata having the lowest diameter. Calorific values were not significantly different between wood from the different species and provenances. The North-West Urbenville provenance of E. dunii out yielded all the other provenances although several E. grandis and E. saligna provenances on average yielded slightly higher than the control provenance (E. saligna from Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI)).