Copyright-based industries form part of creative industries, which are economic activities based on the creation, management, use and trade in original creations expressed in tangible form. Creative industries are referred to as copyright-based industries and products there-from as copyright-based goods when they are protected under intellectual property rights. There is a growing interest in the copyright-based industries today due to the recognition that creativity is the very basis for social, economic and cultural development of nations. Based on the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Guide (2003), studies have been conducted to quantify the contributions of copyright-based industries in several European, Latin American and Asian countries. Currently, there are a number of similar studies going on in Africa. The overall objective of the Kenyan study was to quantify the economic contribution of copyright and related rights-based industries in the country by estimating their value-added to GDP, share of national employment, and revenue generated from foreign trade. The findings of this study are expected to inform policy formulation processes towards an improved policy framework for the operation of the creative sector in the country. In accordance with the WIPO Guide, this study categorized the copyright and related rights-based industries into core, interdependent, partial, and non-dedicated support industries. This study relied mainly on secondary data for 2007 obtained from various government departments and other relevant institutions. The main sources of data included the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA); Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS); Attorney General Chambers; Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA); Institute of Policy Analysis and Research (IPAR); Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM); and the Music Copyright Society of Kenya (MCSK). Other secondary sources of data were past and current research and government reports. In addition, internet searches were employed to access available information on the contribution of creative industries to the national economy...