Assessment of performance indices of frame hive beekeeping and the traditional technology in Kenya a case study of Kitui county

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dc.contributor.advisor Musimba, Nashon K. R.
dc.contributor.advisor Muli, Elliud Wambua, Benedict M. 2015-06-24T06:25:55Z 2015-06-24T06:25:55Z 2015-06-24
dc.description Master of Science in Agricultural Resource Management, 2015
dc.description.abstract The study wa s conducted to assess the performance indices of frame hive beekeeping technology. The objectives were to establish the factors influencing the adoption of frame hives within selected beekeeping groups in Kitui County and compare honey production and household incomes among beekeepers using frame and traditional hives . Data were collected through formal inter views by way of a structured questionnaire , in four locations of Kitui County. Systematic random sampling was applied to a select ed 30 hou sehold s each in four l ocations giving a total of 120 households. Sixty nine out of the 12 0 respondents, representing 58% of the respondents were beekeepers, an indication t hat beekeeping was an important socio - ec onomic undertaking in the area. Out of those who were beekeepers, about 65% of the m relied on fixe d combs, traditional, log hives of which beekeepers make individually, receiv e as gift o r inherit, while the remaining 35 % were using modern technology with mainly the langstroth hives. A number of factors determine d the choice of beekeepi ng technology in the study area including the cost, availability, management regime of a particular type of technology, productivity level and quality of the products. The results revealed that honey production was high with traditional hives compared with Langstroth hives . S ubsequently, beekeepers using t raditional methods earned high incomes than those using modern technology. Further analysis using binary logistic regression techniques indicated that the gender of a household head, size of a household, size of land holding and access to extension service s influenced the adoption of beekeeping technology. A number of constraints that affect ed the adoption of the entire beekeeping technology were identified and they included recurrent droughts, attack by pes ts and predators, low prices, insecurity (theft and vandalism) and i nadequate extension services . From the findings of this study , it is recommended that f ocused extension training should be provided to beekeepers to equip them with the necessary skills on bee management. Appropriate packages targeting women and the youth need to be developed in an effort to encourage modern beekeeping by these groups. Strengthening the c apacity of the existing farmer groups and associations in beekeeping activities can increase production.
dc.description.sponsorship South Eastern Kenya University en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.title Assessment of performance indices of frame hive beekeeping and the traditional technology in Kenya a case study of Kitui county en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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